The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King
Sometimes you are surprised.
Stephen King has long been associated with horror, and deservedly so. His career began with works like Carrie, Christine, Firestarter, The Shining and so on, all designed to scare the everlovin' out of any poor soul who picked up the book - and usually succeeding. What's more, the books often became movies, thereby allowing that segment of the population who doesn't read much to be terrified.
So for years, King has been called one of the scariest authors alive. I've seen cartoons attempting to portray Halloween at his house, bedtime stories for his children, and the horrible, dark confines of his imagination. The mind of King is where the terrors dwell, most think - the monsters, demons and vampires.
And Flagg.
But this book is where King really strayed from the image that had been built for him in popular culture. This story isn't a horror story, no matter what the quotes on the back of the book imply. This is a fantasy story. It has some tense and scary moments, yes, but it's a fantasy through and through, built with some of the most well-worn elements of fantasy storytelling. We have all of the necessary elements before us:
The King - King Roland (no relation to the Roland of the Dark Tower Series, as far as we know), the fairly capable and mostly well-liked king of Delain. He has served his kingdom well, and grown old and, if not wise, then at least experienced. He's not the best king, nor is he the worst. The most that can be said of him is that he tried his best and hoped that his son would do a better job than he had. Of course there is also....
The Queen - Queen Sasha, beloved of Roland. She was the light of his life, and the guiding hand on his shoulder. Many in Delain agree that Roland could have been a despot were it not for his beautiful and kindly wife whose compassion and good sense would eventually save the kingdom. She bore two sons, the first of whom was...
The Prince - Prince Peter, the shining star of the family. Wise beyond his years, strong and fair, everyone loved Peter. He won awards and friends, and was all in all a good son, one that any father would be proud to have. Most people, knowing that Peter would be the next king, felt that the future of Delain was safe. Peter had a brother....
The Second Son - Prince Thomas, forever standing in his brother's shadow. Not only was Peter older and more capable than Thomas in every way, there was an additional burden on his young mind. With the birth of Thomas, his mother, Queen Sasha, had died. And so it was that Thomas grew up the guilty one. He sought the love of his father, who thought the sun rose and set on Peter. And while Peter made every effort to extend the hand of brotherly love, Thomas felt only resentment and jealousy. Little did he know that his destiny had been guided from the beginning by....
The Evil Wizard - Flagg, that undying demon whose black and poisonous presence had been in Delain every time the country fell into ruin, and who intended to do it once again. A master of spells, potions and poisons, to speak his name was to invite horror, pain and death. He stood in Roland's shadow, quietly twisting his mind over the years. His ultimate goal was a millennium of darkness for Delain, and he knew just how to bring it about. The only thing standing in his way is the possibility that Peter could be king.
I'm not sure whose story this is, which makes it all the more interesting. On one hand, it's Flagg's story. In his dark desire to see Delain in chaos, he manipulates the King and his family to bring the kingdom to the brink. A little patient planning, some good preparation, and Flagg manages to frame Peter for the vicious murder of his father, the King.
Suddenly the Golden Boy is a despised murderer, patricide and regicide, and sentenced to spend the rest of his natural life imprisoned at the top of Delain's tallest tower, the Needle.
But, then, maybe it's Peter's story. He is caught, an innocent victim in this web spun by Flagg. But he was well-taught by his father and mother. His father taught him to be strong and kingly, his mother to be kind and human. The combination made him into something that Flagg could not stand - a good person and potentially a good leader.
Even in his lofty prison, Peter isn't willing to give up. With some clear thinking and a lot of patience, he manages to work out a plan to escape. Because he is a good man, he has friends willing to help him, to do favors, who will perhaps help clear his name and end the less-than-spectacular reign of his brother, Thomas.
Then again, maybe it really is Thomas' story. The narrator (the presence of whom gives this story a wonderful fairy tale feeling) takes pains to show us that, while Thomas is a sad, confused, and sometimes cruel man, he's not really bad.
Full of fear and self-loathing, Thomas is the perfect tool for Flagg. Under his dominion, the kingdom starts to slide towards the chaos that Flagg so richly desires. Thomas is a good example of what happens when a weak person, guided by circumstance and cruel greed, takes power. But even Thomas is not irredeemable - despite the mess of his life, he possesses a secret that could ruin everything Flagg has tried so hard to create.
As with so many of King's really good books, we are presented with not only an excellent cast of characters, but also excellent storytelling. In many of his author's notes, he refers to us as Steadfast Reader. He never forgets who has given him his fame and his reputation - the readers. By using a storyteller to present this tale, he acknowledges and speaks to us as though he were telling us the story directly.
Much like it can be a story about many people, it's a story of many messages. It's about hubris and the belief that one cannot possibly fail in one's Evil Plans (happens to me all the time). It's about honor and loyalty and standing by what's right, even when the whole world is against you. It's about being able to redeem yourself, no matter what horrible things you might have done in the past. It's a story about love and hope and faith, one that never gets old no matter how many times you read it.
I'm not sure how many times I've read this book by now, and I fully expect I'll read it again in the future. If you're not a King fan and you're not too keen on reading about family dogs that turn into killing machines, insane telekinetic teenage girls, or possessed Plymouths that steal the souls of their owners, then this is the book you want to read.
"In those years, Thomas discovered two things: guilt and secrets, like murdered bones, never rest easy; but the knowledge of all three can be lived with."
- Stephen King, The Eyes of the Dragon
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